
Buy With Us

Our process is simple, so your home buying experience can feel easy. We have one job: to understand your goals and help guide you toward the home of your dreams.

Why Choose Asheville Crafted Real Estate


Our team is intentionally small. We believe in quality over quantity. We focus on delivering the most value while sticking to our small business roots.


When you choose a broker, that’s your broker throughout your entire buying process. You will not be passed from agent to agent as you look at listings.


We stick to our core focus of helping great people buy and sell homes. We say yes to perfect clients and we say no to projects that don’t fit our ethos.

Our Process


Coffee & Conversation

You should date your real estate agent. We like to have coffee and conversations with new clients. Click ‘Meet our Agents’ below to set up a chat.


Build your Dream Profile

We’ll work together to build the avatar of your ideal home for your current budget and design preferences, so we can start to visit homes that almost fit the bill.


Experience the Market

Then, we look at homes together. Seeing homes is the best way to assess what you really love and need to have vs. what would be nice to have in your next home.


Move quickly when the Home Appears

Preparation allows us to move quickly when your ideal home shows up on the market. While there are certain things we can’t control during a home-buying experience, everything else we like to have planned and prepared.

Start Your Search

Need some inspiration? Take a look at some of the listings in our area. You can filter by location, features, price, and more.

Meet Your Broker

Our agents are all uniquely qualified to help you find your next home. You can meet them digitally on our website.